
mPOS: What is a Mobile POS? (Mobile Point of Sale System)

October 10, 2023
mPOS Mobile Point Of Sale

Mobile Point of Sale Systems (mPOS) has transformed the business world, particularly in the restaurant industry. Traditional cash registers are being replaced by innovative solutions that offer efficiency, convenience, and enhanced customer experiences, all thanks to advancements in restaurant technology.

The future of mobile transactions in the United States appears exceptionally promising. Industry experts predict a staggering US$1.28 trillion by 2027, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) from 2023 to 2027 at 18.46%. This tremendous growth presents a unique opportunity for your restaurant.

In this blog post, discover how mPOS can transform your restaurant business. Explore its functionalities and benefits to determine if it's the right choice for your establishment. Don't miss this opportunity to capitalize on the unprecedented growth in this industry. Join us and embrace the future of business with mobile POS!


What is a Mobile POS?

A Mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) system is a portable, wireless device that performs the functions of a traditional point of sale system but with enhanced flexibility. Unlike static POS terminals, mPOS systems operate on smartphones, tablets, or specialized wireless devices, allowing businesses, especially restaurants, to process transactions on the go. This mobility enables servers and staff to take orders, process payments, and manage inventory from anywhere within the premises.

How Mobile POS Works

Mobile POS systems for restaurants operate through specialized software installed on mobile devices, compatible with platforms like iOS and Android. These systems connect wirelessly to peripherals such as card readers and receipt printers. 

They facilitate real-time communication between front-end devices and back-end databases by linking to a central server via Wi-Fi or mobile data networks. This seamless connection ensures that orders are instantly relayed to the kitchen, payments are processed swiftly, and inventory is updated in real time. 

The user-friendly interface simplifies the process of taking orders, processing payments, and managing inventory, making it an invaluable asset for any restaurant business.

What Does a POS System Do?

A Mobile POS system is a powerful tool that goes beyond being a simple digital cash register. It serves as a multifaceted solution designed to streamline various aspects of your restaurant operations. Imagine having the ability to process payments, manage inventory, and generate detailed sales reports, all in one place. 

These systems also offer features such as staff tracking, customized reporting, and customer relationship management (CRM). With real-time inventory monitoring, you can keep track of stock levels effortlessly. Additionally, you can gain valuable insights into customer preferences, allowing you to personalize interactions and enhance customer satisfaction. 

Mobile POS systems empower you to monitor staff performance, optimize inventory management, and efficiently handle transactions – all from the palm of your hand. They are feature-packed, offering convenience and efficiency, making them indispensable tools for restaurant owners looking to enhance their business operations.

What Hardware Does an mPOS Need to Work?

To harness the full potential of an mPOS system, specific hardware components are essential:

  1. Tablet or Smartphone - The core device housing the mPOS software, providing a user-friendly interface for staff and customers.

  2. Card Reader - An external device that reads credit and debit cards, ensuring secure payment processing.

  3. Receipt Printer - Prints receipts for customers, providing a tangible record of their transactions.

  4. Barcode Scanner - Optional hardware that simplifies inventory management by scanning product barcodes.

  5. Cash Drawer - Safely stores cash received from transactions, if your restaurant still accepts cash payments.

What is the Best Mobile POS Hardware?

Choosing the right hardware is as crucial as selecting the software. Look for devices that align with your restaurant's operational demands. For instance, if you prioritize mobility, opt for tablets with long battery life and lightweight design. 

Ensure the card readers are compatible with various payment methods, including contactless and chip cards. Invest in reliable receipt printers to provide customers with clear and professional receipts. Assessing the hardware components' durability, speed, and compatibility ensures a seamless and efficient mPOS experience.

What are the Benefits of a Mobile POS?

Implementing a mobile point of sale system in your restaurant offers many benefits that can significantly impact your business's efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Efficiency and Speed

With mPOS, the entire ordering and payment process becomes quicker and more efficient. Servers can take orders directly from the table, eliminating the need for back-and-forth trips to a stationary POS terminal. This increased speed not only reduces waiting times for customers but also allows your staff to handle more tables, maximizing your restaurant's capacity.

Improved Customer Experience

Providing a seamless dining experience is crucial for customer satisfaction. mPOS systems empower your staff to cater to customer needs promptly and accurately. Customers can split bills, add or remove items, and pay using their preferred method, all from the comfort of their table. This personalized service enhances customer experience, encouraging repeat visits and positive reviews.

Real-time Inventory Management

Managing inventory is a breeze with mobile POS systems. These systems can track real-time inventory levels, automatically updating when items are sold. This feature helps you avoid overstocking or running out of popular menu items, allowing you to optimize your inventory and reduce wastage, ultimately leading to cost savings.

Data-Driven Insights

mPOS systems collect valuable data on customer preferences, popular dishes, peak hours, and more. Analyzing this data provides actionable insights that can inform menu changes, marketing strategies, and staffing decisions. By understanding your customers better, you can effectively tailor your offerings and services to meet their expectations.

Secure Transactions

Security is paramount when handling customer payments. Mobile POS systems utilize advanced encryption and security protocols to safeguard financial transactions. This protects your customers and shields your restaurant from potential liabilities associated with data breaches and payment fraud.


Implementing mPOS systems can reduce operational costs in the long run. With features like automated inventory management, accurate sales tracking, and streamlined processes, you can optimize your resources and minimize wastage, leading to significant cost savings over time.

Scalability and Flexibility

Whether you operate a small cafe or a large restaurant chain, mPOS systems are scalable to meet your business needs. You can easily add more devices as your business grows, ensuring the system grows with you. Moreover, the flexibility of these systems allows you to adapt to changing market trends and customer preferences swiftly.

Is an mPOS Right for Your Business?

Determining whether an mPOS (mobile Point of Sale) system is suitable for your restaurant business involves evaluating several key factors tailored to your specific needs and goals. Consider the following aspects:

  1. Business Size: Evaluate the scale of your restaurant operations. mPOS systems are versatile and can cater to small eateries and large restaurants with multiple branches.

  2. Customer Volume: Assess the daily foot traffic, especially during peak hours. If your restaurant experiences high customer volume, an mPOS system can significantly improve efficiency, reducing waiting times and enhancing the overall customer experience.

  3. Menu Complexity: If your menu is extensive and customizable, consider how an mPOS system can streamline the ordering process. It ensures accurate communication between customers and kitchen staff, particularly for businesses with complex offerings.

  4. Budget: Evaluate your budget constraints and choose an mPOS system that aligns with your financial resources. While there might be an initial investment, weigh the long-term benefits and potential cost savings of mPOS against the costs.

  5. Staff Training: Assess the ease of use of the mPOS system. A user-friendly interface can minimize training time for your staff, enhancing productivity and ensuring a smooth transition to the new system.

  6. Operational Challenges: Identify specific challenges your restaurant faces, such as managing high foot traffic, outdoor events, catering services, or food trucks. An mPOS system's portability and flexibility can be indispensable if your business involves mobility.

Considering these factors, you can determine whether adopting an mPOS system aligns with your restaurant's unique requirements. The right mPOS solution can enhance operational efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and contribute to the overall success of your restaurant business.

Questions to Ask mPOS Providers

When consulting mPOS system providers, ask these pertinent questions to make an informed decision:

Pricing and Fees

  • What is the pricing structure?

  • Are there additional fees for software updates or customer support?

  • What are the initial setup costs, including hardware and software licensing fees?

  • Are there any transaction fees for processing payments?

System Capabilities

  • Does the system offer offline capabilities?

  • Can the mPOS integrate with third-party apps?

  • Is the system customizable to accommodate specific restaurant needs and menu configurations?

  • Can the system handle peak transaction volumes, especially during busy hours?

Security and Compliance

  • What security measures are in place to protect customer payment data?

  • Is the system EMV-compliant for securely processing credit card transactions?

Support and Training

  • What level of customer support and training do you provide?

  • What training programs are offered to staff to ensure they can effectively utilize the system's features?

6 Ways a Mobile POS System Can Help Your Business

In the restaurant industry, every second counts. Mobile POS systems empower restaurant staff to streamline workflow, reduce wait times, and enhance overall customer experience. Here are some specific ways a mobile POS system can help your restaurant business:

1. Tableside Ordering

Waitstaff can take orders directly at the table, ensuring accurate communication between customers and the kitchen staff. This reduces order errors and enhances customer satisfaction.

2. Quick Payment Processing

Customers can pay their bills directly at the table, eliminating the need to wait in line at a fixed POS terminal. Quick payment processing results in faster table turnover and increased revenue.

3. Inventory Management

mPOS systems track inventory levels in real time. The system automatically updates the inventory when an item is sold, preventing overstocking or running out of popular menu items.

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Some mobile POS systems offer CRM features, allowing businesses to collect customer data and preferences. This information can be used to create personalized offers, loyalty programs, and marketing campaigns, fostering customer loyalty.

5. Reporting and Analytics

mPOS systems generate detailed sales reports, providing insights into peak hours, popular dishes, and overall revenue. Analyzing this data helps businesses make informed decisions, optimize their menu, and improve profitability.

6. Flexibility in Payment Methods

mPOS systems support various payment methods, including credit cards, mobile wallets, and contactless payments. Providing multiple payment options enhances customer convenience and satisfaction.

How to Choose a Mobile POS System

Choosing the right mPOS system is crucial for the success and efficiency of your restaurant business. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the essential factors you should consider during the selection process:

1. User-Friendly Interface:

The interface of your chosen mPOS system should be intuitive and user-friendly. Your staff, both experienced and new, should be able to navigate the system effortlessly. A simple and easy-to-understand interface reduces the learning curve, ensuring quick adoption and efficient operation. This ease of use translates into faster service, happier customers, and increased revenue.

2. Compatibility:

Ensure that the mPOS software is compatible with the devices you intend to use, such as tablets or smartphones. Compatibility issues can lead to technical glitches and disrupt your service. Your chosen system should also support various payment methods – from credit and debit cards to digital wallets and contactless payments. Offering diverse payment options enhances customer satisfaction and caters to a broader clientele.

3. Security Features:

Security is non-negotiable when it comes to handling customer payment data. Opt for an mPOS system that employs end-to-end encryption and is PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant. These security measures protect your customer’s financial information from potential breaches and instill trust in your restaurant’s reputation. Prioritizing security safeguards your patrons and shields your business from legal and financial repercussions.

4. Customer Support:

Choose a provider with responsive customer support, ensuring timely assistance in case of technical issues or queries. Prompt and reliable support ensures that any issues or concerns are addressed promptly, minimizing downtime and disruptions to your business operations.

5. Integration Capabilities:

Look for mPOS systems that seamlessly integrate with other tools and software used in your restaurant, such as accounting software, CRM systems, inventory management systems, or online ordering platforms, to streamline your operations further.

6. Scalability:

As your restaurant grows, so do your transaction volume and operational needs. A scalable mPOS system adapts to your evolving requirements without causing disruptions. Look for a system that seamlessly accommodates increased transaction volume and additional devices. Scalability ensures that your mPOS solution remains effective and efficient, regardless of the size of your restaurant business.

7. Seamless Offline Functionality

In the dynamic restaurant environment, internet connectivity can sometimes be unreliable. Your mPOS system should offer seamless offline functionality, allowing your staff to continue processing transactions even when the internet is down. This feature prevents service disruptions, ensuring your restaurant can operate smoothly regardless of external factors.

What is the Best Mobile POS System?

The best mobile POS system for restaurant owners is undoubtedly the Chowbus Mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) solution. This next-generation, all-in-one POS offers a wide range of features tailored to the unique needs of restaurant businesses. With Chowbus, you can save over $8,000 monthly in labor costs and grow your business by 25%. Here's why Chowbus stands out:

Manage Your Business with Chowbus:

  • Track transactions in real time.

  • Manage orders and employees efficiently.

Order & Table Management:

  • Easily manage customer orders.

  • Add or edit items to open orders.

  • Track orders to fulfillment.

Reporting & Analytics:

  • Access real-time sales data.

  • Monitor items sold and average order size.

  • Generate earnings reports, payout reports, and cash drawer reports for better decision-making.

Menu & Team Management:

  • Create and adjust employee schedules.

  • Easily manage employee clock-in and clock-out times.

  • Track employee working hours and productivity.

Payment Processing:

  • Enjoy simple and competitive rates on all transactions.

  • Say goodbye to hidden fees, markups, and extra charges.

  • Accept various payment methods, including debit cards, credit cards, cash, restaurant gift cards, WeChat Pay, Apple Pay, and more.

Cloud-based Point of Sale:

  • Manage orders, sales, and payments in one place with powerful cloud-based software.

  • Easily handle dine-in, takeout, third-party delivery, and website online orders from a single screen on the POS.

  • Gain valuable insights into how each channel contributes to your sales and margins.

Guest-Friendly Features:

  • Allow guests to combine checks from different tables or choose to pay separately or together as one check.

Customer Support:

  • Benefit from 24/7, 30-minute on-site support.

  • Enjoy installation and network configuration services.

  • Receive automatic features and software upgrades.

Save Labor & Smart Ordering:

Grow & Retain Loyal Customers:

  • Use loyalty programs, SMS marketing, and digital and physical gift cards to grow and retain your customer base.

Grow Your Business:

With Chowbus mPOS, you not only streamline your restaurant's operations but also provide an enhanced customer experience. The system's scalability, user-friendly interface, compatibility, and excellent customer support make it the ideal choice for restaurant owners looking to boost efficiency, save on labor costs, and grow their businesses. Don't miss out on the benefits of this powerful mobile POS system that can take your restaurant to the next level.


The future of dining is mobile, and with the right mPOS system, your restaurant can soar to new heights. Embrace the convenience, efficiency, and innovation mobile point of sale systems offer. By integrating this technology into your operations, you're not just processing payments but crafting memorable experiences for your patrons. 

Stay ahead of the competition, enhance customer satisfaction, and boost your revenue. It all starts with the tap of a screen and implementing a powerful mPOS system. Take the time to evaluate your options, ask the right questions, and invest in an mPOS system that aligns with your vision.

Ready to Transform Your Restaurant Business with mPOS?

Contact us today to explore our range of mobile POS solutions tailored for restaurants. Streamline your operations, delight your customers, and boost your revenue with the cutting-edge technology of mPOS.

All-in one Hardware

Frequently Asked Questions About mPOS

Explore our guide to frequently asked questions about mPOS (mobile Point of Sale) systems to find detailed answers to common queries and gain a deeper understanding of this innovative technology.

How Big is the Mobile POS Market?

The mobile POS market reached USD 4.3 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow significantly, aiming for a market size of USD 46.9 billion by 2032. This growth, at a rate of 27.0% from 2023 to 2032, indicates a substantial expansion in the industry.

How Much Does a Mobile POS System Cost?

Typically, the initial outlay for a POS system varies between $0 and $2,000, encompassing expenses related to hardware, software, and installation. Subsequently, your annual expenditure for utilizing the Restaurant POS system can range between approximately $500 and $1,000, contingent upon factors such as your business's size, the number of retail outlets, additional features, and sales volume.

What is the Difference Between a POS and mPOS?

The key difference between a POS (Point of Sale) and an mPOS (mobile Point of Sale) is mobility.

POS is a stationary system found in physical stores, whereas mPOS allows businesses to accept payments on mobile devices, making it ideal for on-the-go and small-scale operations.

What is the Advantage with mPOS Over Normal POS?

mPOS offers several advantages over traditional POS systems. It enhances flexibility, enabling businesses to accept payments anytime, anywhere. It streamlines transactions, leading to quicker customer service. Additionally, mPOS reduces costs by eliminating the need for bulky hardware and efficiently allows businesses to manage inventory and sales data in real time.

Why is Mobile POS Important?

Mobile POS is crucial for businesses because it enhances transaction flexibility and convenience. Businesses can serve customers anywhere by enabling sales on portable devices like smartphones or tablets, reducing wait times and enhancing customer satisfaction. Additionally, it streamlines inventory management and provides real-time sales data, aiding in efficient decision-making. Mobile POS not only boosts sales but also elevates customer experience, making it an essential tool for modern businesses.


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