
The Best Online Ordering System for Restaurants

October 1, 2023

Are you exploring ways to streamline your restaurant operations and boost your sales? Integrating an online ordering system into your restaurant website might be the upgrade you need. This article explores the essentials of online ordering systems for restaurants, highlighting the features, benefits, and key considerations when choosing the best system to fit your needs.


What is an Online Ordering System for Restaurants?

An online ordering system for restaurants is a digital platform that allows customers to place orders directly from a restaurant’s website or mobile app. This system serves as an interface between the restaurant and its customers, facilitating the entire ordering process from menu viewing to payment processing. 

It automatically transmits orders to the restaurant’s point of sale (POS) system, enabling immediate action by the kitchen and ensuring orders are accurately captured and processed. This technology simplifies the ordering experience for both the customer and the restaurant, reducing errors, speeding up service, and enhancing overall customer satisfaction. Through such systems, restaurants can manage various functions, including menu customization, pricing updates, and sales analytics, all designed to streamline operations and boost efficiency.

How POS System and Online Ordering Works

Your POS system and online ordering platform are essential components that work hand in hand to streamline your restaurant's operations. Here’s a breakdown of how they integrate and function together to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction:

  • Order Processing: When a customer places an order online, whether for delivery, in-store, or curbside pickup, the details are immediately sent to your POS system. This ensures that the order is promptly and accurately relayed to the kitchen staff, facilitating a smooth preparation process.

  • Payment Integration: The integration also extends to payment processing. Whether a customer pays online or in-store, all transactions are handled through the POS system. This consolidation simplifies your financial operations, making accounting and reconciliation more straightforward.

  • Inventory Management: As orders are placed online, your POS system updates inventory levels in real-time. This automatic adjustment helps manage your stock more effectively, preventing surpluses and shortages and ensuring that your inventory levels are always optimal.

  • Reporting and Analytics: By having both systems integrated, you gain access to comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities. This data provides insights into sales patterns, customer preferences, and overall performance, enabling you to make informed decisions that can optimize your menu and improve marketing efforts.

Integrating your POS and online ordering systems ensures operational coherence. It also enhances the overall customer experience by providing consistent and efficient service, whether in person, online, or through a mobile app. This unified approach is key to maintaining a competitive edge in the restaurant industry.

How to Choose an Online Ordering Platform for Restaurants

Selecting the right online ordering platform for your restaurant is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Let’s walk through some practical steps to ensure you find a system that meets your current needs and supports your future growth.

  • Assess Your Needs. Start by evaluating what your restaurant requires from an online ordering system. Do you need a solution that handles both delivery and takeout, or just one? Are integrations with existing systems like your POS a must? Understanding your specific needs helps narrow down the options.

  • Check for Ease of Use. The platform you choose must be easy for everyone to use. This means it should be user-friendly for your customers who place orders and your team who will operate it from the back end. A smooth, intuitive system reduces training time and minimizes errors, making everyone’s life a little easier.

  • Consider Customization Options. Your brand’s unique style should shine through your online ordering system. Look for a platform that offers rich customization options that can mirror your restaurant’s theme and aesthetic in your restaurant branding. This alignment helps maintain brand consistency across all customer touchpoints, enhancing your brand’s image and recognition.

  • Evaluate Mobile Responsiveness. With most customers using their smartphones to place orders, your online ordering platform must perform flawlessly on mobile devices. Check how well the system adapts to different screen sizes and loading times on mobile.

  • Analyze Integration Capabilities. The best online ordering systems for restaurants offer seamless integration with your existing POS and other management software. This integration is crucial for syncing data across systems, which helps manage orders, inventory, and customer information efficiently.

  • Payment Options. Flexibility is crucial when it comes to payment methods. Ensure that the online ordering system supports a variety of payment options, allowing your customers to pay through their preferred method. This enhances the user experience and helps accommodate a wider customer base.

  • Leverage Restaurant Marketing Tools. To effectively promote your new online ordering channel, you’ll need robust marketing tools. Check if the platform includes features like email marketing, SMS marketing, loyalty programs, and promotional capabilities that can help you attract and retain customers.

  • Reviews and References. Don’t just take the provider’s word for it. Look around for user reviews and ask for references. This can give you a real sense of the platform’s reliability and service quality. Hearing about other restaurateurs’ experiences can provide valuable insights and help you make a more informed decision.

  • Investigate Support and Reliability. Strong, dependable customer support is critical, especially during the initial setup phase and for any subsequent issues that might arise. Ensure that the platform you choose has a reputation for reliable service and offers accessible support resources to assist you whenever needed.

  • Understand the Pricing Structure. Finally, evaluate the cost against the features offered. Be wary of platforms that require high commissions or have hidden fees. Opt for a transparent pricing model that fits your budget and offers good value for the features and benefits provided.

By carefully considering each of these aspects, you can choose an online ordering platform that meets your immediate needs and scales with your business as it grows. Remember, the right platform can transform how you connect with your customers and manage your operations, setting you up for long-term success.

Key Features of an Online Ordering System for Restaurants

Central to the operational efficiency of modern restaurants, online food ordering for restaurants streamlines the process of serving customers digitally. Let's explore the key features of such systems.

1. Order Management

Effective order management is crucial for the smooth operation of any restaurant using an online ordering system. A well-designed system processes orders efficiently and integrates seamlessly with your Point of Sale (POS) system. This integration means that every order placed on your website goes straight into your POS and directly to the kitchen, streamlining the entire process. 

By automating these steps, your team can focus more on food preparation and customer service rather than manual order entry, which reduces labor costs and minimizes the chances of errors. This full integration ensures a cohesive workflow, enabling you to manage peak times more smoothly without the extra hassle.

2. White Label Customization

White label customization is a powerful feature for personalizing your online ordering platform. It lets you directly integrate your restaurant’s unique branding into the system, allowing you to consistently apply your logos, color schemes, and thematic elements across the ordering interface. 

Tailoring the system in this way bolsters brand recognition and deepens the customer’s connection to your restaurant. By presenting a cohesive brand image, you ensure that every interaction feels familiar and personal, making the digital ordering experience an integral part of your brand’s identity.

3. Enhanced Diner Browsing Experience

Creating a top-notch user experience is crucial for the success of any online ordering system. A streamlined and visually appealing design not only makes it easier for diners to navigate the menu and place orders. It also enhances their overall satisfaction. By offering a seamless browsing and ordering process, you ensure that customers can quickly find what they want and make purchases without any hassle.

Moreover, the ability to order online in advance and pick up in-store without any waiting significantly elevates the convenience factor. This convenience helps reduce potential customer frustration during peak hours and boosts your efficiency, as orders are processed before the customer arrives. Overall, an exceptional browsing experience can lead to increased customer loyalty and more frequent orders.

4. Integration with POS

Integrating your online ordering system with your existing POS and restaurant management software ensures that online orders are synchronized with in-house operations. This helps maintain accurate sales records, streamlines accounting processes, and provides a unified view of online and offline sales channels. 

By using the menu, item images, and prices from the POS system in your online ordering setup, you eliminate the need for additional efforts to manage the menu. All order data from the online ordering platform is directly imported into the POS system, facilitating centralized and efficient order management. This seamless integration reduces manual entry errors, improves order accuracy, and enhances overall operational efficiency.

Don't Have a POS System Yet?

If your restaurant is still without a POS system with online ordering capabilities, now is the time to consider implementing one. A system like Chowbus POS not only simplifies managing in-house and online orders but also enhances your ability to serve customers efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about how our POS solutions can fit seamlessly into your operations, providing you with the tools you need to succeed in a competitive market.

5. Optimization for Desktop and Mobile

Ensuring your online ordering system performs flawlessly on both desktop and mobile devices is crucial. An optimized interface accommodates the growing trend of users who prefer to order via smartphones while still catering to those who use computers. 

Key features such as clear, appealing menu photos can significantly enhance the user experience, encouraging more orders and potentially increasing sales. This dual-platform optimization means that no matter how your customers choose to interact with your ordering system, they’ll enjoy a seamless and engaging experience that encourages repeat business.

6. Website Development Support

If your restaurant doesn’t yet have an online presence, getting started might seem daunting. However, many online ordering systems now offer comprehensive services to create and host your website. These services often include free domain registration and professional website design, ensuring your online ordering portal functions efficiently and visually represents your brand.

Having a dedicated restaurant online ordering webpage allows you to centralize all customer interactions on your platform, giving you full control over the user experience from menu browsing to order checkout. This helps build a cohesive brand image and significantly enhances customer engagement by providing a smooth, integrated service experience. 

Plus, with all orders funneling directly through your site, you’ll save on third-party fees and gain direct insights into customer behavior, which can be crucial for tailoring marketing strategies and improving service offerings.

7. Support for Third-Party Delivery Integrations

One of the standout features of a robust online ordering system is its ability to integrate with a wide range of third-party delivery platforms. This integration can include different delivery services, including major and regional players. 

With such capabilities, every order placed on these platforms can be directly funneled into your POS application and sent straight to the kitchen. This streamlined process saves significant labor costs by eliminating the need to enter delivery order details manually, reduces the potential for human error, and speeds up the order processing time, ensuring that your customers get their meals quicker and your workflow remains uninterrupted. This feature is particularly valuable when handling a high volume of orders during peak hours.

8. Marketing and Promotional Support

Effective marketing and promotional support are essential for leveraging an online ordering system’s full potential. This feature goes beyond mere order management by actively helping to expand your customer base and increase sales. It’s important to look for systems that facilitate promotional activities, especially those that can align with seasonal events and themes.

For instance, the provider of your online ordering system might offer marketing theme design services, launching different promotional activities monthly, such as back-to-school campaigns or Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations. You can choose a style that matches your brand and work with the system provider to create customized promotional posters. These can then be shared on your restaurant’s social media or even featured in your Google Business updates, helping to enhance your visibility and draw more patrons to your establishment.

9. Reservation Capabilities

A crucial feature of a well-rounded online ordering system is the inclusion of reservation capabilities directly on the ordering webpage. This function allows customers to easily book tables alongside placing their food orders. 

By providing this dual functionality, your restaurant can effectively widen its service offerings, allowing patrons to secure a dining spot at their preferred time while opting for pre-ordered meals. This seamless integration of ordering and reservation systems enriches the customer experience and plays a crucial role in boosting your revenue streams. It simplifies logistics during busy periods, ensuring you manage table turnover and food orders with greater efficiency and fewer conflicts.

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Interested in enhancing your restaurant's efficiency and profits? Check out how Mrs. Gu Skewers Hot Pot achieved just that with Chowbus POS and our online ordering system.

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Why Do Restaurants Need Online Ordering Systems?

Restaurants need online ordering systems because they modernize the customer experience, streamline operations, and expand market reach. With an online system, your restaurant can handle orders more efficiently, reducing the chances of errors that often occur with phone-based orders. This setup speeds up the service and frees up your staff to focus on preparing meals and enhancing in-house customer service.

Moreover, an online ordering system enables your restaurant to cater to a broader audience. People enjoy the convenience of ordering from anywhere, at any time, leading to increased order frequency and larger average orders due to the ease of adding extra items with just a few clicks. Essentially, these systems help keep your business competitive in a digital age, ensuring you don’t miss out on sales simply because you lack online visibility and accessibility.

Why Online Ordering is Good for Restaurants

Online ordering significantly boosts your restaurant’s visibility and accessibility, allowing you to reach a wider audience. Moreover, it promotes customer engagement and loyalty through personalized offers, discounts, and rewards programs. By analyzing customer data and ordering patterns, you can tailor your marketing strategies, enhancing customer satisfaction and encouraging repeat business. Furthermore, online ordering reduces the burden on your staff during peak hours, ensuring timely and accurate order processing. This operational efficiency translates into happier customers, positive reviews, and increased profitability.

How to Integrate Online Ordering with POS Systems

Integrating restaurant online ordering software with your POS system is easier than you think. Choose a reputable online ordering platform with seamless integration options compatible with your existing POS software. Most modern POS systems are designed to be compatible with various third-party applications, ensuring a smooth integration process. Once integrated, your staff can manage online orders alongside dine-in and takeout orders, all from a centralized system. This unified approach simplifies order processing, minimizes errors, and enhances overall efficiency. Training your staff to navigate this integrated system ensures a seamless customer experience, regardless of the ordering channel.

How Much Does it Cost to Implement Online Ordering for Restaurants?

The cost of implementing an online ordering system for your restaurant varies depending on your chosen platform and the features you require. Some platforms offer a flat monthly fee, while others charge a commission on each order. Consider your budget and your restaurant’s specific needs when choosing a pricing model. Remember, investing in an online ordering system is not just an expense but a strategic decision to enhance your restaurant’s competitiveness and profitability.

The Best Online Ordering System for Restaurants

While the market brims with various POS systems, Chowbus sets itself apart with its comprehensive, commission-free approach to online ordering for restaurants. Chowbus provides a white-label product, allowing for brand customization and ensuring your restaurant’s identity shines through. With Chowbus Online Ordering for Restaurants, you gain a robust online presence, with the option to have a landing website crafted for you.

Why Choose Chowbus?

  • Your Brand, Front, and Center. Chowbus offers a white-label product that fully embraces customization. You can personalize this platform with your restaurant’s logo, ensuring every customer interaction feels uniquely yours. This enhances your brand’s visibility and strengthens customer loyalty by providing a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints.

  • Simplicity with Zero Commissions. With Chowbus, you say goodbye to the complexities of variable fees. Our pricing structure is transparent—a straightforward monthly fee with a minimal per-order charge. This allows you to predict your expenses accurately and keep more of your earnings.

  • Optimized User Experience. We’ve designed our platform to be as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. It functions flawlessly on desktop and mobile devices, ensuring customers enjoy a smooth ordering process, no matter where or what device they use.

  • Seamless POS Integration. When an order is placed on Chowbus, it feeds directly into your POS system. This streamlined process reduces the potential for errors and speeds up order preparation, saving you time and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Exceptional Support. Transitioning to a new system can seem daunting, but you’re not alone. Chowbus provides on-site setup and training led by knowledgeable local representatives who ensure your team is well-equipped to use the system efficiently from day one.

  • Exclusive Benefits of Chowbus POS - With Chowbus, there are no hidden fees—what you see is what you get. You’ll enjoy the core online ordering capabilities and additional services like webpage design and marketing—all commission-free. This means all the revenue generated from online orders goes straight into your pocket.

Chowbus’s online ordering system transforms your website into a dynamic source of income, allowing guests to order takeout and delivery directly from your site. With its robust feature set and commitment to your brand’s prominence, Chowbus is the best choice for any restaurant looking to expand its digital footprint efficiently and profitably.

Find the Restaurant Online Ordering System That's Right for You

Investing in an online ordering system for your restaurant is a transformative decision in the current digital era. It boosts your revenue and enhances customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. When searching for the right platform, consider an online ordering POS system like Chowbus Online Ordering for Restaurants. With its user-friendly interface, seamless integration, and commission-free service, Chowbus empowers you to focus on what you do best – preparing delicious meals – while we handle the rest.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your restaurant business. Embrace the future of dining with the best restaurant online ordering system and watch your profits soar. Choose Chowbus and experience the difference today. Your success is just a click away! Book a free demo now!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Online Ordering System for Restaurants

Explore the answers to commonly asked questions about restaurant online ordering systems in this FAQ section.

How Does a Restaurant Online Ordering System Work?

A restaurant's online ordering system enables customers to place orders via a website or app, where they browse the menu, select and customize their choices, and add them to a cart. After reviewing their selections, customers submit payment through a secure portal. The restaurant receives the order, confirms it with the customer, and prepares the meal for delivery or pickup. 

Why are Online Ordering Systems Necessary?

Online ordering systems are necessary because they streamline the ordering process, making it more convenient and efficient for customers and businesses. For customers, they offer the flexibility to place orders from anywhere at any time, reducing wait times and increasing satisfaction. For businesses, these systems reduce errors, lower staffing costs, and provide valuable data on customer preferences, which can enhance marketing strategies and boost sales. Additionally, online ordering can expand a business’s reach, allowing it to serve more customers beyond their immediate geographic location.

Is Online Order Still as Popular in 2024?

Yes, online ordering will remain highly popular in restaurants in 2024. The industry is expected to grow, with online ordering and delivery sales projected to reach $86 billion in 2023, nearly double from $41 billion in 2022​​. This trend is supported by consumer behavior; a significant majority of consumers prefer food delivery and takeout over dining at restaurants, with 77% reporting having ordered food for delivery and 76% for takeout​​. Online food ordering has expanded 300% faster than dine-in traffic since 2014, representing approximately 40% of total restaurant sales​​​​. Revenue from online food orders alone is predicted to hit $220 billion by the end of 2023, with a 54% increase in direct online orders.

What are the Benefits of Online Ordering for Customers?

Online ordering offers customers unparalleled convenience and time efficiency. It allows 24/7 access, precise order customization, and detailed product information. Customers can benefit from cost-effective deals, flexible payment options, and prompt doorstep delivery. These advantages enhance overall satisfaction, making online ordering a preferred choice.

Do People Prefer to Order Food Online?

Yes, people prefer to order food online. About 43% of individuals say they order online because they don’t feel like cooking.

How Does Online Ordering Affect Restaurants?

Online ordering significantly impacts restaurants by increasing revenue, expanding customer reach, and streamlining operations. Implementing online ordering systems allows restaurants to cater to a wider audience, allowing customers to place orders conveniently from the comfort of their homes. This not only boosts sales but also enhances customer satisfaction.

How Do Restaurants Receive Orders?

Restaurants receive orders through in-person visits, phone calls, and online platforms, all managed via a POS (Point of Sale) system. Customers can also use apps and websites that integrate with the POS for streamlined ordering.


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