
Restaurant Email Marketing: Tips to Grow Your Customer Base

May 6, 2024

Restaurant email marketing is a powerful tool for enhancing customer engagement and boosting sales. Are you finding it tough to attract new patrons or retain existing ones? This method could be your solution. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how targeted email strategies can rejuvenate your restaurant’s marketing efforts. Curious to see how this can transform your business? Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of making email work for you.


What is Restaurant Email Marketing?

Restaurant email marketing involves sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers—these can be your current customers or potential diners—who have opted to receive updates from your establishment. This approach allows you to promote your restaurant, share updates, and build relationships directly through your customers' inboxes. Unlike other forms of digital marketing, email marketing for restaurants provides a direct line of communication, making it a powerful tool to influence diner behavior and drive sales.

Advantages of Restaurant Email Marketing

Email marketing for restaurants offers numerous benefits. It’s cost-effective compared to many other marketing channels and provides measurable results. With the right strategy, you can achieve:

  • Increased foot traffic through timely promotions and personalized offers

  • Enhanced customer loyalty by keeping your restaurant in regular contact with patrons

  • Greater control over your marketing messages and audience segmentation

  • Valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors, thanks to analytics and feedback.

Is Email Marketing Effective for Restaurants?

Statistics show that email marketing remains one of the most effective marketing strategies across various industries, including hospitality. For instance, the average open rate for restaurant marketing emails is 43.56%, with click-through rates around 1.75%. This effectiveness translates into more reservations, event attendees, and, ultimately, sales.

Considering its low cost, the return on investment (ROI) for email marketing remains impressively high, with recent data indicating a return of $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing efforts. This makes it an excellent choice for restaurants looking to expand their customer base and increase customer retention.

Types of Email Marketing for Restaurants

Email marketing isn't just about sending out emails. It's about sending the right type of message at the right time. For restaurants, this means crafting emails that resonate with your audience and match their interaction with your business. 

Here’s a closer look at the types of emails that can help you connect more meaningfully with your diners:

  1. Welcome Emails. The first impression counts! Welcome emails are your chance to make a great initial impact on new subscribers. Include a warm welcome message, a brief introduction to your restaurant, and maybe a special discount to encourage their first visit.

  2. Celebratory Coupons. Everyone loves a celebration! Sending coupons on birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions makes your customers feel valued and more likely to celebrate at your restaurant.

  3. Loyalty Rewards Updates. Keep your regulars coming back! Regular updates about loyalty programs and rewards not only keep your customers informed but also engaged. It’s a way of saying, "We appreciate your continued patronage."

  4. Promotional Emails. Got a new offer? Share it! Whether it’s a discount, a special menu for a limited time, or happy hour promotions, these emails get people excited and through the door.

  5. Newsletters. More than just deals, newsletters allow you to share more about your restaurant's happenings. New menu items, behind-the-scenes stories, or upcoming events all serve to keep your audience interested and informed.

  6. Re-engagement Emails. Haven’t seen some guests in a while? A "We miss you" email with a special offer might be just the nudge they need to come back. It's a friendly way to rekindle their interest in your dining experience.

  7. Event Invitations. Hosting a special event? Use email to spread the word and invite your list. Whether it’s a wine tasting led by a skilled sommelier, a live music night, or a special holiday feast, emails can help increase attendance and excitement.

  8. Reservation Reminders. Help your customers remember their reservations with a timely reminder. This not only improves the customer experience but also reduces no-shows, helping you manage your seating more efficiently.

  9. Feedback and Survey Emails. Wondering what your customers think? Send a survey. Feedback is invaluable, and these emails show that you value their opinions and want to improve their experiences.

  10. Seasonal or Holiday Emails. Capitalize on restaurant seasonality by offering special menus or promotions tied to holidays and seasons. This creates timely reasons for customers to dine with you and taps into their desire to celebrate or enjoy seasonal fare.

Mixing and matching these email types lets you keep your communication fresh and engaging, ensuring your customers always have something to look forward to in their inbox.

Restaurant Email Marketing Strategies

Crafting an effective restaurant email marketing strategy means more than just sending out the occasional promotional email. Here’s how you can refine your approach for better engagement and results:

1. Segment Your Audience

Think of your customer base as different groups with unique preferences and behaviors. For instance, some might be regulars who frequent your restaurant weekly, while others might visit mainly for special occasions. By segmenting your email list into categories like these, you can tailor your communications to resonate with each group distinctly. Regulars might appreciate updates about new dishes or changes to their favorites, whereas occasional visitors might be more interested in special promotions or events.

2. Personalization

Go beyond just "Hi [Name]" and think about what each customer enjoys. If someone often orders the spicy tuna roll, let them know when it’s being featured or suggest similar dishes they might like. 

Personalized emails show customers that you pay attention to their likes and experiences, making them feel valued and understood. This isn’t just good manners; it’s smart business, fostering a connection that encourages loyalty and repeat visits.

3. Timing Is Key

The timing of your emails can greatly influence their effectiveness. Sending an email just before meal times—like a lunch offer sent in the late morning—can catch customers right as they’re making dining decisions. Experiment with timing to find out what works best for your audience. Maybe a Sunday evening email works best for booking the week ahead, or a Friday afternoon message catches those planning weekend outings.

4. Mobile Optimization

With most people reading emails on their smartphones, every email you send must look good and function well on small screens. This means using responsive design templates that adapt to different device sizes, ensuring that your images load quickly and your text is easy to read. Buttons and links should be easy to tap, and your overall layout should be uncluttered. A mobile-friendly email not only looks professional but also enhances the user experience, increasing the chances of customer engagement.

5. Engaging Content

Finally, make your emails a pleasure to read. Use high-quality images of your dishes that will entice readers right from their inbox. Share short, captivating stories about your ingredients, your people, or the history of your restaurant. Create attractive layouts that guide the reader through the content naturally and engagingly. Emails that are a treat to the eyes and provide interesting content are more likely to be opened, read, and acted upon.

By implementing these strategies, you're not just sending emails. You're creating experiences that draw customers closer to your restaurant. Each email becomes an opportunity to deepen relationships and drive business, making your email marketing efforts as rewarding for your customers as they are for you.

Next, let’s explore some creative campaign ideas you can implement to enhance your marketing strategy further.

Restaurant Email Marketing Ideas

1. Menu Updates

Keep the excitement alive by notifying your customers whenever you update your menu. Whether introducing a new chef’s special or returning a seasonal favorite, a quick email can get mouths watering and customers through your door.

2. Promotions and Special Offers

Who doesn't love a good deal? Send out emails with exclusive promotions, such as “buy one, get one free” deals or discounts on slow days to boost attendance and revenue.

3. New or Seasonal Menu Items

Seasonal changes are the perfect opportunity to showcase fresh menu items. Use email to announce these new additions, perhaps sharing the inspiration behind them or sourcing of local ingredients to create a story that resonates.

4. Birthday Email Wishes

Make your customers feel special on their birthday by sending personalized greetings along with a special offer, like a free dessert or drink to celebrate. It’s a sweet gesture that can turn a regular customer into a loyal one.

5. Upcoming Special Events

Planning a live music night, a wine tasting, or a themed dinner party? Let your customers know through an engaging email invitation. Provide all the necessary details and perhaps offer a special discount for early bookings.

6. Happy Hour Promotions

Boost your off-peak hours by promoting happy hour specials. A timely email reminder can be just the nudge people need to drop by after work for a drink or two with friends.

7. Recipes and Reheating Tips

Share your love for food beyond the dining table. Send out emails with recipes for some of your dishes or tips on how to best reheat leftovers. It’s a great way to engage with your customers and enhance their experience with your food at home.

8. Loyalty Program for Regular Customers

Reward your repeat customers by enrolling them in a loyalty program. Use email to update them on how they can earn points and what rewards await them, reinforcing their good decision to return.

9. Exclusive Discounts, Coupons, and Gift Card Deals

Tempt customers to treat themselves or others with exclusive email-only discounts, coupons, or gift card deals. It’s a perfect incentive for customers looking for a gift or a reason to indulge.

10. Surveys

Want to know what your customers think? Send out a survey via email. It's a great way to gather feedback and shows that you value their opinions. Sweeten the deal by offering a discount or entry into a draw as a thank you for their time.

11. Employee Profiles

Build a closer community by featuring profiles of your staff in your emails. Sharing stories about your passionate team can personalize the dining experience and foster connections between your staff and customers.

12. Newsletters

Keep your customers informed and interested with monthly or quarterly newsletters that recap what’s new, share upcoming events, and perhaps include a message from the owner.

13. Welcome Emails

Make a great first impression with a warm welcome email to new subscribers. Offer a first-timer discount and outline what they can expect from your emails, whether news, deals, or exclusive content.

14. Requests for Reviews

After a visit, invite customers to leave a review. To make it easy for them, provide a direct link to your Google Business profile or TripAdvisor page. Reviews not only provide valuable feedback but also help attract new customers.

15. Instructions on How to Order Online, Schedule a Delivery, or Make Reservations

Simplify the ordering process by providing clear instructions on how to order online, book a table, or schedule a delivery. Ensure your customers enjoy a seamless experience whether dining in or ordering out.

16. Simple Thank You from the Restaurant Owner

A personal thank you note from you, the owner, can make a big difference. It shows appreciation and adds a personal touch that can strengthen customer relationships.

These email ideas help you maintain a vibrant connection with your customers, encourage new and repeat visits, and build a community around your restaurant. By keeping your communications personal and engaging, you’re not just selling a meal. You’re creating an experience.

Now, let’s dive into how you can launch and optimize your email marketing efforts.


How to Do Email Marketing for Restaurants

To get started with email marketing for your restaurant, you need to establish a foundation and then build on it with strategic, engaging content. Let’s walk through the steps you’ll need to take to set up a successful email marketing campaign.

Step 1: Collect Email Addresses

First things first, you need an audience. Begin building your email list today—it’s simpler than you might think. Start with your website by prominently including a sign-up form, perhaps with a first-time visitor discount, to incentivize sign-ups. 

Don’t forget in-person opportunities as well; at the point of sale, ask customers if they’d like to receive special offers via email. Hosting an event? That’s a perfect time to gather email addresses, perhaps through a sign-up sheet or a digital kiosk.

Additional Strategies to Build Your Email List:

  • Leave cards on tables for customers to pick up.

  • Offer a free meal as an incentive for customers to provide their email addresses.

  • Train staff to effectively collect email addresses during customer interactions and reward the top performer.

  • Include opt-in prompts on receipts to capture customer emails after their meal.

  • Optimize your website for email collection by integrating sign-up pop-ups and embedding opt-in forms throughout.

  • Use QR codes on table tents to facilitate easy sign-up.

  • Implement an SMS Text-to-Join service for easy email list building.

  • Provide free Wi-Fi in return for email addresses—a straightforward exchange that benefits both parties.

  • Strategically place marketing copy to encourage sign-ups in various locations within your restaurant.

  • Integrate email sign-up with mobile payment apps to streamline the process.

  • Develop a dedicated landing page for collecting email addresses to focus on email list growth.

Step 2: Choose an Email Marketing Platform

With your growing list, you’ll need a reliable platform to manage your campaigns. Choose an email marketing service that fits your budget and has the features you need to be effective. Look for a platform that offers automation—to save you time, customizable templates—to maintain your brand’s look, and detailed analytics—to track the success of your campaigns. Platforms like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Sendinblue are popular, offering various tools tailored to different business needs.

Step 3: Segment Your Audience

Now, consider this: not all customers are the same. Segmenting your list helps tailor your messages to match the interests and behaviors of different groups within your audience. 

For instance, you might segment your list by how often someone dines at your restaurant or their menu preferences. This customization makes your emails more relevant, which can lead to higher engagement rates. After all, a customer who loves your vegan options might not care about the Steak Night promo, right?

Step 4: Create Engaging Content

What you send matters. Craft content that your customers want to read. Mix up your emails with various content, such as exclusive offers, sneak peeks behind the scenes, chef interviews, or upcoming events. 

Remember, the goal is to make your emails interesting and valuable. Creating compelling content not only keeps your audience engaged but also encourages them to keep coming back.

Step 5: Test and Optimize

Finally, never settle. The best email marketers consistently test different elements of their emails. Try A/B testing your subject lines to see which ones lead to more opens, or send your emails at different times of the day to find out when your audience is most likely to engage. Use the analytics from your email platform to track what works and what doesn’t, and use these insights to refine your approach continuously.

By following these steps and keeping the conversation going with your customers through well-thought-out emails, you’re setting up your restaurant for success in digital marketing.

Restaurant Email Marketing Best Practices

Adopting best practices can greatly enhance the effectiveness of restaurant email marketing campaigns. Let’s walk through some essential tips to ensure your emails resonate with your audience and drive results.

1. Save Time with Automation. 

Automating your email campaigns isn’t just a time-saver; it’s a smart way to ensure consistency in your communications. Set up automated emails for common interactions like welcome messages, birthday greetings, and reservation reminders. This way, you’re always in touch with your customers without the constant manual effort.

2. Target Your Audience Precisely. 

Segmentation is your best friend in email marketing. By categorizing your audience—maybe by frequency of visits, menu preferences, or spending habits—you can tailor your messages to their interests. This targeted approach means your emails are more likely to hit the mark.

3. Personalization Wins Every Time. 

When your emails greet customers by name or reference their last order, it makes your messages feel more personal. This personal touch can significantly boost engagement rates, turning casual diners into loyal patrons.

4. Branding is Key. 

Your emails should look and feel like an extension of your restaurant. Include your logo, use your brand colors, and maintain your brand voice throughout the email content. This reinforces your brand identity and creates a cohesive experience for your customers.

5. Test and Optimize. 

A/B testing allows you to send two variations of the same email to see which performs better. Test everything from subject lines to email layouts to find what resonates best with your audience. Use these insights to refine your campaigns for better results.

6. Boost Your Social Reach. 

Don’t let your email be the end of the line. Include social sharing buttons and encourage your readers to follow you on Instagram or Facebook. This will enhance your social media presence and build a community around your brand.

7. Start Strong with a Welcome Email. 

Your welcome email is the first step in your relationship with a new subscriber. Make it count by clearly outlining what type of content they can expect. Whether it’s exclusive deals, behind-the-scenes looks, or menu updates, let them know what’s in store and why they should stay subscribed.

8. Get Creative with Subject Lines. 

Your subject line is your first impression—make it pop! Using emojis can make your email stand out in a crowded inbox. Also, if you’re running a promotion, mention it right in the subject line to boost your open rates.

9. Timing is Everything. 

Don’t overwhelm your customers with too many emails, but also don’t let them forget you. Monitor your open rates to find the optimal times for sending your messages. Often, weekends might yield better click-through rates due to people planning their outings.

10. Keep It Relevant. 

Align your email content with holidays, seasons, or current events to make them more relevant and timely. This can be especially effective for promotional emails or special event notifications.

11. Communication is Crucial. 

Always communicate important updates, like changes in your opening hours or new health and safety measures. Keep your customers informed to avoid any confusion and to demonstrate transparency.

12. Simplify Sign-Ups. 

Make it easy for customers to sign up for your emails. A simple, straightforward sign-up form on your website, social media pages, or at the point of sale encourages more sign-ups and grows your audience.

13. Quality Over Quantity.

Never buy email addresses—it’s not only unethical but can harm your reputation. Instead, build your list organically to ensure your subscribers are genuinely interested in what you offer. Use a double opt-in process to verify each subscriber.

14. Stay Organized with a Content Calendar.

Planning your email content with a content calendar helps maintain a consistent schedule. This organization helps cover all important topics and manage promotions without last-minute rushes.

15. Visual Appeal Matters.

An email that looks good, gets read. Use high-quality photos of your dishes to entice your readers and keep the design clean and appealing. Eye-catching photography can make all the difference.

16. Always Include a CTA.

Every email should have a clear call to action. Whether it’s booking a table, viewing your menu online, or following you on social media, tell your readers exactly what you want them to do next.

17. Respect Your Audience.

Always provide an easy way to unsubscribe. Respecting your subscribers' preferences regarding email communications not only complies with regulations like GDPR or CAN-SPAM but also respects their inbox and choice.

18. Regularly Clean Your List.

Maintain a clean list by removing unengaged subscribers and keeping your list updated. This helps improve your overall engagement rates and keeps your email deliverability high.

19. Engage Right Away.

Set up a compelling welcome email sequence that engages new subscribers right from the start. Show them the value of your emails and encourage their first visit with a special offer.

20. Consent is Mandatory.

Always obtain explicit consent before sending emails. This compliance not only adheres to email marketing laws but also builds trust with your customers.

By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating an email marketing strategy that truly resonates with your diners and drives more business to your restaurant.


Implementing targeted restaurant email marketing strategies is essential for elevating your business and staying connected with your diners. From sending personalized emails to utilizing diverse content types, email marketing offers a dynamic way to increase foot traffic, foster customer loyalty, and boost your sales. 

Employ the best restaurant email marketing practices to ensure your messages resonate with your audience, and watch as your engagement—and your revenue—grows.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Restaurant Email Marketing

Explore our frequently asked questions about restaurant email marketing to discover key strategies and best practices. Find answers on how to effectively use email to attract customers, determine the right frequency for sending emails, assess the impact of email marketing, and the importance of maintaining an email list for your restaurant.

How Should I Email to Attract Customers?

To attract customers via email:

  1. Craft a compelling subject line that grabs attention.

  2. Keep the email body concise and focused, highlighting benefits relevant to the recipient.

  3. Use a clear call-to-action, such as a special offer or invitation to learn more.

  4. Personalize the content to increase engagement and ensure your email is optimized for mobile devices.

  5. Always test different approaches to see what works best for your audience.

How Often Should a Restaurant Send Emails?

Restaurants should send emails about once a week to keep customers engaged without overwhelming them. For special promotions or events, additional emails may be appropriate.

How Effective is Email Marketing for Restaurants?

Email marketing is highly effective for restaurants. It helps build customer relationships, promotes special offers, and drives repeat business. By targeting specific customer segments with tailored messages, restaurants can boost reservations and increase sales. Additionally, email marketing provides valuable data on customer preferences and campaign effectiveness.

Should Restaurants Have an Email List?

Yes, restaurants should have an email list. It allows them to connect directly with customers, promote new dishes, offer exclusive discounts, and share updates about special events. Building an email list also helps personalize the dining experience and foster customer loyalty.


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