
New Features for Chowbus Loyalty: Loyalty points

October 27, 2023

Building on the existing abundant loyalty capabilities, Chowbus has now introduced loyalty points. Loyalty points not only enrich the member experience but also provide restaurants with additional capabilities to increase revenue. During the testing phase, loyalty points attracted the attention of 20 restaurants, including popular ones like Shoo Loong Kan, Liuyishou, Top Pot, X Pot, TSAOCHA, and Crispy Chicken, all eager to explore the new possibilities. This article will delve into Chowbus' points system, its benefits, and common applications.


What can loyalty points do?

Upon enabling the loyalty points feature, restaurants can accumulate points for every member's expenditure. These points can be redeemed for dishes or gifts.

Chowbus loyalty points cover all ordering devices, whether it's the server using the POS app, or customers using the kiosks, tablets, or QR code scanning, allowing for seamless accumulation and redemption of points.

Chowbus not only supports multi-device point accumulation but also enables restaurants to set point rules, designate point-earning dishes, and view point reports. Furthermore, the point system is cross-store compatible, meaning customers can accumulate and redeem points across different locations.

What are the benefits of using the loyalty points feature?

Enriched member experience, increased member sign-ups

Loyalty points, as an exclusive benefit for restaurant members, significantly boost customer enthusiasm for registering as members. Customers dining in the restaurant, informed through promotional posters or menu sections dedicated to points, can easily register as members with just one click on smart ordering machines, tablets, or QR codes. Once the restaurant obtains member information, they can send marketing messages to attract members to dine in.


Increased repeat business, higher revenue

Loyalty points, with their "consume first, redeem next time" feature, encourage customers to spend more. Higher point values can be exchanged for more valuable gifts, such as free meals, Macbook, and more. Therefore, loyalty points not only encourage customers to spend more but also significantly increase the frequency of repeat business, ultimately boosting revenue. Additionally, restaurants can set special weekday events, like "Double Points on Weekdays," to increase customer traffic.

Unlocked combination strategies, personalized services

Combining loyalty points with a CRM system effectively increases repeat business. Restaurants can observe member preferences based on report data and send customized marketing messages, such as "Only 100 points needed to redeem your favorite Chicken Popcorn!"


How can I play with the loyalty points?

Nearly 20 restaurants have been actively using Chowbus' point capabilities for several weeks. We have also compiled various strategies used by restaurants to spark more inspiration.

Strategy 1: Dish Redemption

Crispy Chicken offers an option for point redemption for various dishes across multiple categories, such as burgers, fries, Takoyaki, and more. The diversity of dishes available for point redemption not only increases the enthusiasm for customer registration but also motivates members to spend and redeem points across any Crispy Chicken restaurant.


Buffet restaurants can also set up member point redemption for the entire bill. For example, X Pot Buffet Hot Pot not only offers free drinks but also provides an option for point redemption for a free lunch.


Strategy 2: Gift Redemption

In addition to dish redemption, gift redemption is another common strategy.

For example, Shoo Loong Kan's New York location has set up multiple-tier gift redemption programs. The span of redeemable points caters to different consumer groups and their redemption preferences. High-value gifts such as Macbook and LV are highly attractive to consumers, stimulating continuous repeat business.

Strategy 3: Flexible Use of Point Features

In addition to point redemption for dishes, X Pot also offers point redemption for discounts, member registration bonus points, double points on weekdays, and more, significantly increasing member registrations and willingness to spend, leading to increased weekday revenue.

chowbus-pos-product-update-loyalty-point-X Pot

In summary, loyalty points can effectively increase the number of members, enhance customer loyalty, and boost revenue for restaurants. Chowbus offers various strategies for restaurants to choose from. We look forward to working together to generate more inspiration and strategies!

To learn more about POS systems and what might be the right fit for you, book a POS demo/consultation with Chowbus! We're the #1 POS tech system for US-based restaurants!

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