Cross Selling Techniques in Restaurants: Proven Success Tips

July 22, 2024

Ever felt like you could be doing more to increase your restaurant’s revenue per table? Or perhaps, you’re looking for ways to enhance your guests’ dining experience without seeming pushy? If these thoughts resonate with you, exploring effective cross selling techniques in restaurants might just be the solution you need. Curious about how to implement this strategy? Read on.


What is Cross Selling in Restaurants?

Cross selling in restaurants is a straightforward yet impactful sales strategy. It involves suggesting additional items that complement or enhance whatever the customer is already ordering. For instance, if a guest orders a spicy Szechuan chicken dish, your server might recommend a cooling side of cucumber salad to balance the heat, or suggest adding a serving of steamed dumplings to round out the meal. This method not only boosts the restaurant's average order value but also elevates the dining experience for customers by offering thoughtful recommendations that enhance their chosen dishes.

4 Key Benefits of Cross Selling

Now that we understand what cross selling is, let's explore the significant advantages it brings to your restaurant operations. Here are four key benefits:

  1. Increase in Average Order Value. Implementing cross selling effectively boosts your average order value. When your team suggests complementary dishes or upgrades, like a premium side or a dessert, customers often indulge. This approach not only boosts your sales totals but also exposes diners to a broader range of your menu offerings.

  2. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction. When you suggest items that enhance a customer's meal, you create a more personalized dining experience. For example, recommending a wine that pairs perfectly with a diner's entree can turn a routine meal into a memorable occasion. This level of attention shows customers that you care about their experience, which can significantly enhance their satisfaction.

  3. Improved Customer Retention. When executed thoughtfully, cross-selling significantly contributes to improved customer retention. By enhancing the dining experience with relevant suggestions, you do more than increase sales—you foster customer loyalty. Positive interactions that make guests feel valued help establish a lasting relationship. This approach encourages repeat visits and enhances each customer's lifetime value, reinforcing the idea that their next exceptional meal awaits at your restaurant.

  4. Higher Profitability. Your profitability naturally rises with increased average order values and improved customer retention. Effective cross selling can lead to better inventory utilization, particularly with high-margin items. Encouraging guests to try that extra course, special drink, or dessert can make a noticeable difference to your bottom line, transforming moderate sales into exceptional ones.

Implementing Cross Selling: A Step-by-Step Approach

To effectively implement cross selling in your restaurant, follow this step-by-step approach to ensure a seamless integration that benefits both your business and customer experience:

1. Identifying Opportunities for Cross-Selling in Your Menu

The first step in implementing cross-selling techniques is to analyze your menu. Look for items that naturally complement each other. Does a spicy dish pair well with a cooling beverage? Could a side of garlic bread be the perfect addition to your pasta dishes? By identifying these opportunities, you can guide your customers towards satisfying meal combinations that also increase your sales.

2. Training Staff on Effective Cross-Selling Techniques

Once you've identified cross-sell opportunities, the next step is training your staff. This involves more than just informing them about which items to push. They should understand the reasons behind the recommendations. When staff members are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about the offerings, they convey this excitement to the customers. Provide your team with key phrases and the benefits of each item so they can effectively communicate why the customer would enjoy adding it to their order.

3. Integrating Cross-Selling into the Customer Service Experience

Finally, ensure that cross-selling is smoothly integrated into the customer service experience. This means it should feel like a natural part of the conversation, not a sales pitch. Train your staff to introduce cross-selling in a way that feels like genuine advice, helping the customer to enhance their meal. For instance, a server might say, “If you love our BBQ ribs, you might also enjoy our hand-crafted beer, which complements the smoky flavor perfectly.” This approach feels more authentic and is often more successful in encouraging additional purchases.

By following these steps, you can implement effective cross-selling strategies that feel natural and improve customer satisfaction while boosting your restaurant’s revenue.

Effective Cross Selling Techniques in Restaurants

Mastering the art of cross-selling can transform the dining experience and significantly boost your restaurant's revenue. Let's explore some proven strategies that make it easy to enhance your guests' meals while increasing your average ticket size. From smart menu design to seasonal promotions, these techniques are designed to subtly integrate additional sales into the dining process without ever feeling intrusive.

Menu Design and Layout Strategies

A well-thought-out menu design can significantly enhance your cross-selling opportunities. Organize your menu to naturally guide customers through your offerings, placing complementary items in proximity. For example, place side dishes next to entrees or suggest specific appetizers that pair well with main courses. Use visuals and descriptive text to entice customers, highlighting dishes that go well together and can elevate the dining experience.

Suggestive Selling Based on Customer Choices

Train your staff to listen carefully to what customers are ordering and make relevant suggestions that complement their choices. If a guest orders a steak, your server might suggest a popular wine pairing or a side of garlic mashed potatoes that complements the dish. This approach should feel like a helpful suggestion, enhancing the guest’s meal rather than feeling like a sales pitch.

Bundling Items for Special Offers

Create bundles or meal deals that offer value to your customers. For instance, offer a burger, fries, and drink combo at a price slightly lower than if purchased separately. These bundles appeal to customers looking for a complete meal experience and can significantly increase the perceived value, encouraging more extensive orders.

Seasonal and Event-Based Cross-Selling Opportunities

Take advantage of seasonal ingredients and special events by offering limited-time dishes that can be paired with regular menu items. During the summer, you might feature a special seafood dish that pairs beautifully with a light, seasonal beer or cocktail. For events like sports games or local festivals, design special menus that cater to the crowd's preferences, encouraging guests to try new combinations and seasonal specials.

By implementing these strategies effectively, you not only boost your revenue but also improve the overall dining experience, making your restaurant a preferred choice for customers who value thoughtful suggestions and well-paired meals.

Leveraging Technology in Cross Selling

Technology plays a key role in enhancing cross-selling strategies in modern restaurants. From POS systems to self-ordering kiosks, the right tools can make it easier for you to suggest additional items to customers, ensuring a seamless integration of sales tactics that feel natural and timely. Let’s explore how various technologies can boost your cross-selling efforts.

  • Using POS Systems to Suggest Add-Ons

Modern POS systems do more than process transactions—they’re a key player in your sales strategy. These systems can prompt your staff to suggest specific add-ons or upgrades at the point of sale based on what the customer is ordering. This increases the chance of a larger sale and does so in a way that feels natural and helpful to the customer.

Self-ordering kiosks invite diners to customize their meals, giving them the autonomy to choose while subtly encouraging the addition of extras. As customers make their selections, the kiosks can display pop-ups that suggest complementary items like a dessert or a side, effectively increasing the average order value without any perceived pressure.

When customers place orders online, you have another excellent opportunity for cross-selling. Integrated suggestions can pop up before checkout, recommending items that complement what the customer has already picked. For instance, offering a garlic bread add-on to a pasta order enhances the meal and boosts sales.

Handheld POS devices allow servers to carry the power of suggestive selling right to the table. These devices can show prompts to the server based on the customer’s current selections, ensuring all recommendations are timely and relevant.

Tablets used at the table for tableside ordering can offer a visual and interactive menu for customers to explore, which can include suggestions for add-ons and upgrades. This approach enhances the customer experience and facilitates additional sales through engaging visuals and easy one-tap additions. By using tablets, the process of tableside ordering becomes not only more efficient but also more personalized, providing tailored recommendations that can significantly boost your revenue.

Analyzing Sales Data to Improve Cross-Selling Strategies

Data is a powerful tool in refining your restaurant’s sales strategies. By analyzing sales data, you can identify which items are frequently purchased together and which suggestions are more likely to be accepted by customers. This information allows you to adjust your cross-selling tactics to be more effective. 

For instance, if you notice that customers who buy a particular kind of beer often order a specific appetizer, you can train your staff to suggest this pairing more often. Additionally, data analysis can help you recognize trends, seasonal preferences, and customer behaviors, enabling you to tailor your marketing and sales efforts more precisely.

By integrating these technological solutions, your restaurant can enhance its operational efficiency and create more personalized and effective cross-selling opportunities. Embracing technology helps increase revenue and builds a better dining experience that keeps customers coming back.

Examples of Successful Cross Selling in Restaurants

Here are some powerful examples from well-known brands that have effectively used cross-selling to increase their sales.

1. McDonald's "Would You Like Fries with That?":

This classic phrase has become synonymous with cross-selling. McDonald's has perfected the art of offering a simple, complementary item (fries) to the main order (burger), leading to increased average order value and a boost in sales for both items.

  • What Worked: The offer's simplicity and consistency, along with the natural pairing of burgers and fries, make it an easy and effective cross-sell.

  • Lessons Learned: Sometimes, the most basic suggestions can have the biggest impact. Identify natural pairings within your menu and train staff to consistently offer them.

2. Starbucks Seasonal Promotions:

Starbucks regularly introduces seasonal drinks (e.g., Pumpkin Spice Latte) and pairs them with complementary food items (e.g., pumpkin bread). These promotions create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to try both items.

  • What Worked: The limited-time nature of the offer and the themed pairing of the drink and food create a compelling reason for customers to buy both.

  • Lessons Learned: Use seasonal or limited-time promotions to introduce new pairings and encourage customers to try different combinations.

Tips for Training Your Staff on Cross Selling

To ensure your staff excels in cross-selling, focus on three critical areas: deep product knowledge, refined communication skills, and motivational incentives. Here’s how each element plays a pivotal role in empowering your team.

1. Understanding the Importance of Product Knowledge

For effective cross-selling, your staff needs to know your menu inside out. This isn’t just about memorizing what’s available. It’s about understanding each dish’s flavors, ingredients, and preparation process. When your team is well-versed in the menu, they can confidently suggest complementary items to guests. For example, if a customer orders a spicy entrée, your staff should be able to recommend a cooling beverage or side that pairs perfectly with it.

2. Developing Communication Skills for Subtle Selling

Subtlety is key in cross-selling. Your team should approach suggestions as friendly advice, not a hard sell. Teach them to read the table: if guests seem hesitant, a simple, “Would you like to try our hand-crafted sauce with that?” can be more effective than a full sales pitch. This way, suggestions come off as thoughtful service rather than a pushy upsell.

3. Rewarding Successful Cross-Selling Efforts

Nothing motivates like recognition and rewards. Set up a system to track and reward successful cross-selling. This could be through bonuses, extra time off, or even public acknowledgment in team meetings. Rewards boost morale and encourage your staff to routinely engage in cross-selling, helping to integrate this skill into their interactions with customers naturally.

By focusing on these areas, you empower your staff to enhance the guest experience through knowledgeable and thoughtful cross-selling, ultimately boosting your restaurant’s success.

Potential Drawbacks of Cross Selling and How to Overcome Them

When you introduce cross selling in your restaurant, you’re aiming to enhance the dining experience and boost revenue. However, a few challenges can arise. Let’s discuss these potential drawbacks and explore practical solutions to ensure your cross-selling efforts yield the best results.

Understanding Customer Resistance

Sometimes customers may feel that additional suggestions are too pushy, especially if they believe the offers don’t align with their preferences or needs. To overcome this, train your staff to read customer cues effectively. If a customer seems hesitant or disinterested, the staff must recognize this and not force the issue. Instead, they can focus on providing information about the add-ons and explaining their benefits, allowing the customer to make an informed decision without feeling pressured.

Avoiding Over-Pushing Sales

It’s important to strike the right balance in cross selling without coming off as overly aggressive, which can turn diners off. The key is subtlety. Ensure your team understands that their role is to enhance the customer’s meal and not just increase the bill. This approach requires staff to be well-versed in the menu to make relevant and meaningful suggestions that genuinely appeal to the customer’s current selections.

Maintaining Quality and Customer Service

With a focus on adding more items to the order, there’s a risk that the quality of service or the speed of delivery could suffer. To prevent this, keep a close eye on operational workflows and ensure that introducing cross selling does not compromise the quality of food or the dining experience. Regular training sessions can help staff manage their responsibilities efficiently, ensuring that service remains swift and the quality of each dish meets your high standards.

By addressing these challenges proactively, you can ensure that your cross-selling strategies increase your revenue and contribute positively to the overall dining experience. This way, your restaurant meets and exceeds customer expectations, encouraging repeat business and fostering a loyal customer base.

Future Trends in Cross Selling for Restaurants

As technology advances, cross selling in restaurants will increasingly rely on digital innovations and data analytics to personalize customer experiences. Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a significant role, analyzing customer preferences and buying habits to suggest tailored add-ons and menu items in real time. 

Expect to see more restaurants adopting digital menus and mobile apps that leverage AI to offer dynamic cross-selling opportunities directly to customers at their tables or even before they arrive. 

Additionally, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) could transform how menus are presented, allowing customers to visualize pairings and specials in a more engaging way, thereby enhancing the likelihood of additional sales. These technologies aim to enhance customer interactions, streamline ordering processes, and ultimately increase sales through intelligent and interactive selling techniques.


Implementing effective cross-selling strategies requires understanding your menu, your customers, and the right timing. With thoughtful integration, cross-selling can significantly enhance your restaurant's profitability while improving the dining experience for your guests. Start small, evaluate the results, and adjust your strategies to find what works best for your establishment.

Are you utilizing the full potential of cross-selling in your restaurant? At Chowbus POS, we provide comprehensive restaurant POS solutions that streamline operations and amplify revenue. Whether you’re looking to implement the best POS system for restaurants in the US, explore the benefits of self-ordering kiosks, leverage handheld POS devices, enhance efficiency with tablet ordering, or expand your reach through online ordering, we have the tools and insights you need. 

Contact us today for a personalized consultation on boosting your restaurant’s performance with cutting-edge technology. Let’s help you make every customer interaction more profitable!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Cross Selling in Restaurants

Here are your essentials to master cross selling techniques in your restaurant and seize opportunities to enrich customer experience and boost your sales. Discover practical tips and insights in our FAQ section below.

What is Cross-Selling in Food and Beverage?

Cross-selling in food and beverage involves recommending additional products or dishes that complement what a customer has already chosen, aiming to enhance their dining experience and increase sales.

What is a Good Example of Cross-Selling?

A good example of cross-selling is when a restaurant server suggests a side salad or garlic bread to complement a pasta dish, enhancing the meal and increasing the overall sales.

What is an Example of Upselling and Cross-Selling in Restaurants?

An example of upselling in a restaurant is offering a customer a larger size of a drink or an upgraded side dish. Cross-selling is when a server suggests adding a dessert or a starter to complement the main course.

What are the Dos and Don'ts of Cross-Selling?


  • Understand customer needs to offer relevant products.

  • Train staff to naturally introduce additional items.

  • Use customer purchase history to personalize suggestions.


  • Overwhelm customers with too many options.

  • Pressure customers into making a purchase.

  • Ignore customer cues and feedback on their needs.

Which is Better Cross-Selling Or Upselling?

Cross-selling and upselling are both effective strategies, but the better choice depends on your goals. Upselling encourages customers to buy a more expensive version of what they're already purchasing, potentially increasing the average order value. Cross-selling, on the other hand, suggests additional products that complement the original purchase, broadening sales opportunities. Choose upselling to boost the value of a single sale, and cross-selling to enhance customer experience and diversify revenue.


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