
RuTech Robotics

As the Exclusive distributor and technical service partner of Pudu Technology in North America, RuTech promotes commercial service robots in the following industries restaurants, hotel & event spaces, corporate offices, warehouses & distribution centers, medical care facilities, airports, shopping centers etc...

RuTech Robotics

Efficiency at Its Finest

Delivery robots bring different advantages to different industries. The automation of these tasks by robots is also helping small businesses with the labor shortages we all know are affecting every aspect of our country in our economy. Without enough employees, businesses are not able to serve customers at maximum volume and operate at peak performance.

service & support

We pride ourselves in the service & support we provide our clients.


Whether its on-site, via video, phone or email, we make sure to be 100% hands on.

immense library

We also have an immense library of web tools and tutorials for our clients.

Service Bots Bring Life to Your Restaurant.

A service robot stands out from the crowd and gives diners something unique and exciting to focus on, which is crucial for marketing any restaurant business. Diners take pictures with the delivery robot in addition to the meals served and those pictures might be used to spread the news and promote your restaurant without cost. Giving your guests something to share on social media is an exceptionally effective marketing strategy that you can use without investing any money in a planned advertising effort. The more people submit and interact with your content, the more positively people will see your brand.

Take Your Pick

Why Restaurants Choose Chowbus

Chowbus POS Poster
POS Systems Built for Restaurants

All in 1 POS Management Suite - No need for multiple systems

Smart Ordering solutions - Save labor (-$8000), increase efficiency and grow sales(+25%)

24/7 Instant Customer Support - Onsite installation & training, shift with ease

Book a demo now and claim your exclusive discount package worth thousands!


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