braised pork trotters in abalone sauce with chencun noodles鲍汁红烧猪脚陈村粉
braised abalone and pork belly鲍鱼陈皮红烧肉
braised abalone and beef brisket鲍鱼牛腩
braised abalone and fried chicken thigh鲍鱼鸡腿
cheesy abalone sticky rice chicken鲍鱼芝士糯米鸡
abalone combo鲍爽套餐
鲍爽套餐组合Abalone Combo Sides任选一款主食,每款搭配爽口小泡菜及流心温泉蛋。 Pick an abalone main course, this item will come with soft boil egg and kimchi.
all about abalone鲍爽全家福
全家福组合All Combo Sides任选一款主食,搭配小瑶鲍饭其他全部产品:鲍鱼芝士糯米鸡,爽口小泡菜,流心温泉蛋,秘制海鲜辣椒酱。 Pick an abalone main course. This dish comes with all the sides: Cheesy Abalone Sticky Rice Chicken, Chinese Pickles, Soft Boiled Egg, and Seafood Chili Sauce.
Chinese New Year Special
stir-fried angus beef tongue with assorted peppers野山椒炒安格斯牛舌
braised black moss and dried oysters in abalone sauce鮑汁發菜𧐢豉
angus ribeye steak with fresh mixed mushrooms鮮雜菌炒安格斯肉眼牛扒
braised tofu in pumpkin broth金湯燴豆腐
baked live sea perch with peppers in abalone sauce鮑汁香椒焗游水曹魚
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braised pork knuckle with black truffle and mushrooms黑松露紅燒豬手圓蹄