m3. fresh milk w/rose tie guan yin teaM3. 玫瑰铁观音鲜奶茶
m4. fresh milk w/earl grey teaM4. 伯爵鲜奶茶
m5. yuenyeungM5. 鸳鸯奶茶
a7. dirty taro milkA7. 芋泥脏脏牛乳
a8. dirty brown sugar milkA8. 黑糖脏脏牛乳
m6. dirty strawberry milkM6. 草莓脏脏牛乳
m7. black tea latte w/ taro & bobaM7. 芋泥波波鲜奶茶
chocolate dracula巧克力德古拉
Sold Out
Fruit Tea
f1. passion fruit teaF1. 百香绿茶
f2. passion fruit & kumquat green teaF2. 百香金桔
f3.peach & lemon green teaF3.桃气青柠
f4.peach & grapefruit green teaF4.桃气西柚
f5. lemon & winter melon teaF5.柠檬冬瓜
f6.lemon & grape four seasons teaF6.青柠葡萄冰茶
f7. grape four seasons teaF7. 葡萄冰茶
f8. mango green teaF8. 芒果绿茶
f9. orange & mango green teaF9. 芒橙翡翠绿
f10. lemon & lychee green teaF10. 爆打柠檬荔枝
f13. watermelon & passion fruit green teaF13. 百香瓜瓜
Sold Out
f14. watermelon & peach green teaF14. 蜜桃瓜瓜
Sold Out
f15. grapefruit green teaF15. 红柚茉莉
Special DrinksN
c1.avocado smoothie w/ crème bruleeC1. 牛油果奶昔
c2. mango avocado smoothieC2. 牛油果好芒
c3. pink bucket milk tea w/ toppingsC3. 吨吨奶茶桶
You can choose three free toppings from bottom section "free toppings"
c4. fruit bucket green teaC4. 霸气水果桶
c5. rainbow lycheeC5. 彩虹荔枝
Lychee Green Tea with Berry & Cherry Soda
c6. rainbow wintermelonC6. 彩虹冬瓜
Wintermelon Green Tea with Berry & Cherry Soda
c7. wintermelon & orange green teaC7. 香橙冬瓜茶
Blender Drink
b1. oreo smoothieB1. 奥利奥黑钻冰沙
b2. taro smoothie w/taro pasteB2. 芋头奶奶冰沙
b6. pink drink by strawberry coconut milkB6. 粉红草莓椰奶
b7. pina coladaB7. 凤梨可乐达
b3. grape ice stormB3. 芝芝多肉葡萄
b4. strawberry ice stormB4. 芝芝莓莓
b5. mango ice stormB5. 芝芝芒芒
b8. matcha swirlB8. 抹茶漩涡
Pure Tea
t1. ceylon black teaT1. 锡金红茶
t1. jasmine green teaT1. 毛峰茉莉绿
t2. fout seasons oolong teaT2. 不知春
t4. dark roast oolong teaT4. 焙香乌龙茶
a10. rose tie guan yin teaA10. 玫瑰铁观音
n1. popcorn chickenN1.盐酥鸡
Taiwanese popcorn chicken 盐酥鸡 which is extraordinarily crispy and sprinkled with sharp and biting spice seasoning. And the unusual spice mix has a slight numbing feeling on your tongue! To bring you an even more delightful experience, we've carefully selected fresh basil and integrated it into our marination process for the popcorn chicken.This natural green color is the aromatic mark of basil's presence, enhancing the taste in every bite!
Chicken- This is the main ingredient. Most often, boneless skinless chicken thighs are used because of their flavor and juiciness . Is It Safe to Eat Pink Chicken? The USDA says that as long as all parts of the chicken have reached a minimum internal temperature of 165°, it is safe to eat. Color does not indicate doneness.
n2.special popcorn pork bellyN2.麻酥肉
n3.fish ball skwersN3.鱼蛋串串
3 Skewers
n4. sausage skwersN4. 香肠串串
n5. fried tofuN5. 炸豆腐
n6. fried fish sticksN6. 炸鳕鱼条
n7. fried cheese sticksN7. 厚切起司棒
n8. fried vegetable spring rollsN8. 炸蔬菜春卷
n10.orleans roast chicken wingsN10.奥尔良烤翅
n11. crispy onion ringsN11. 炸洋葱圈
n12.deep fried calamari rings & french friesN12. 炸鱿鱼圈&薯条