Freshly brewed black tea (no milk)
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
a2 . premium green tea 11特级翡翠绿
Freshly brewed green tea (no milk)
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
a3 . tie guan yin tea 11碳烧铁观音
Freshly brewed tieguanyin tea (no milk)
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
Milk Tea
b1 . milk tea 11蔗香奶茶
Black milk tea (does NOT include toppings)
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
b2 . boba milk tea (boba) 8珍珠奶茶
Black milk tea w/ 2 servings of boba
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
Black milk tea w/ boba, grass jelly, & QQ Noodle
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
b4 . jasmine green milk tea 12茉香绿奶
Jasmine green milk tea (does NOT include toppings)
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
b5 . tp milk tea 11特级奶茶
Tieguanyin milk tea (does NOT include toppings)
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
Tieguanyin milk tea w/ boba, coffee jelly, & QQ Noodle.
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
b8 . taro green milk tea 4芋香翡翠奶茶
Jasmine green milk tea w/ fresh taro
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
b9 . oat / pudding milk tea 7燕麥布丁奶茶 (燕麥 , 布丁)
Flavored Tea
c1. lemon premium green tea 18翡翠柠檬
Green tea w/ fresh lemon juice
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
c4 . passion fruit green tea百香绿茶
made with passion fruit syrup, so cannot adjust sugar level
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
c7 . fresh fruit tea w. chia seeds 4特调水果茶
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
c8 . winter melon tie guan yin tea冬瓜铁观音
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
c9 . winter melon lemon冬瓜柠檬
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
c10 . mango pomelo sago 7楊枝甘露
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
c11. taro coconut sago (milk)椰香芋頭西米露
Golden Jelly
d1. nostalgic black tea (boba & golden jelly & grass jelly) 10典藏黄金红茶
"This specialty drink has Boba, Golden jelly and Grass Jelly.
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*"
d2. sunshine iced tea (golden jelly) 3阳光冰茶
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
f5. mango smoothie 3芒果冰沙
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*
Brown Sugar Series
i1. brown sugar milk teaI1. 黑糖奶茶
i2. brown sugar milk tea with bobaI2. 黑糖珍珠奶茶
Cannot change toppings.
i3. brown sugar latte with boba (milk)I3. 黑糖珍珠拿鐵
Pink Salt Creama
g1. pink salt cream black tea 9玫瑰鹽紅茶奶蓋
g2. pink salt crema green tea 9玫瑰盐翡翠奶盖
"Freshly brewed green tea. Pink salt crema topped with brown sugar bits.
Pink salt crema contains syrup.
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*"
g3. pink salt crema tieguanyin tea 9玫瑰盐铁观音奶盖
"Freshly brewed Tieguanyin tea. Pink salt crema topped with brown sugar bits.
Pink salt crema contains syrup.
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*"
g4 . pink salt crema mango tea (tea jelly) 3玫瑰盐芒果奶盖
"Pink salt crema contains syrup.
*Tea foam dissipate over time resulting in less volume is normal. It is best to enjoy the tea while it's fresh!*"