TIGER SUGAR Ellicott City
Schedule a Pickup
Tomorrow, Mar 12 11:30 AM
9338 Baltimore National Pike Suite I, El...
Open Hour:
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Online Menu
11:00 AM - 09:00 PM
1. Brown Sugar Regular
2. Coffee Jelly
3. Chocolate Malt
4. Coffee Latte
5. Pudding
6. Mochi
7. Red Bean
8. Taro
9. Taro pudding
10. Matcha
Milk Tea
Mango Sago
Lychee Crystal Boba
Strawberry Mochi Milk
11 Dark Chocolate
Fruit Series
Ice cream
Cheese Foam
Lemon Tea
Cafe series
lychee coconut jelly with black tea
lychee crystal boba+lychee coconut jelly with black tea
1. Brown Sugar Regular
1.brown sugar boba+pearl+cream mousse
1.brown sugar boba only+cream mousse
1.brown sugar pearl only+cream mousse
1.brown sugar no topping+cream mousse
1. bs boba + pearl milk w. cream mousse
2. Coffee Jelly
2. brown sugar boba+pearl+coffee jelly+cream mousse
2.brown sugar boba+coffee jelly+cream mousse
2.brown sugar coffee jelly+pearl+cream mousse
2.brown sugar coffee jelly only+cream mousse
3. Chocolate Malt
3. brown sugar choco boba+pearl+cream mousse
3. brown sugar choco boba only+cream mousse
3. brown sugar choco pearl+cream mousse
3. brown sugar choco only
3. bs chocolate boba + pearl milk w. cream mousse
4. Coffee Latte
4.brown sugar boba+pearl+coffee latte
4 brown sugar boba+jelly+coffee latte
4.brown sugar pearl+jelly+ coffee latte
4.brown sugar boba only+coffee latte
4.brown sugar pearl only + coffee latte
4.brown sugar jelly only + coffee latte
4.brown sugar coffee latte no topping
4. bs boba + pearl coffee latte w. cream mousse
5. Pudding
bs boba + pudding w.cm
bs pearl + pudding w.cm
bs jelly + pudding w.cm
bs pudding w.cm
bs boba + pudding milk
bs pearl + pudding milk
bs jelly + pudding milk
bs pudding milk
bs coffee pudding w.cm
bs choco pudding w.cm
5. bs boba + pudding w. cream mousse
6. Mochi
6. bs mochi + boba w.cm
bs mochi + pearl w.cm
bs mochi + jelly w.cm
bs mochi w.cm
7. Red Bean
7. bs boba + red bean w.cm
7.bs pearl + red bean w.cm
7.bs jelly + red bean w.cm
7. bs red bean only
8. Taro
8. bs boba+taro+cream mousse
8. bs pearl+taro+cream mousse
8. coffee jelly+taro+cream mousse
8.taro only+cream mousse
9. Taro pudding
9. boba+taro+taro pudding+cream mousse
9. pearl+taro+taro pudding+cream mousse
9. coffee jelly+taro+taro pudding+cream mousse
9. taro+taro pudding only
10. Matcha
10. bs boba+matcha+cream mousse
10. bs pearl+matcha+cream mousse
10. matcha only+cream mousse
10.boba strawberry matcha+cream mousse
10.pearl strawberry matcha + cream mousse
10.strawberry matcha +cream mousse
t2 bs boba golden oolong tea
t4 bs boba vanilla flavored black tea
t6 bs boba black tea
t8 bs boba green tea
golden oolong tea
vanilla flavored black tea
black tea
green tea
Milk Tea
t5 bs boba black tea latte
t7 bs boba green tea latte
bs boba golden oolong tea latte
bs boba vanilla flavored black tea latte
t5 black tea latte
t7 green tea latte
golden oolong tea latte
vanilla flavored black tea latte
thai milk tea
Thai Milk Tea
Mango Sago
mango sago
Lychee Crystal Boba
lychee crystal boba w. black tea
Lychee Crystal Boba with Black Tea
lychee no topping
lychee coconut jelly with black tea
lychee crystal boba+lychee coconut jelly with black tea
Strawberry Mochi Milk
strawberry mochi milk
strawberry only
brown sugar egg roll
pineapple cake
Sold Out
11 Dark Chocolate
dark choco chip boba +pearl
dark choco chip boba only
dark choco chip pearl only
dark choco chip boba + pearl + jelly
dark choco chip only
dark choco chip boba +pudding
Fruit Series
brown sugar boba passion fruit oolong tea
brown sugar boba passion fruit green tea
mango oolong tea with mango jelly and aloe
mango green tea with mango jelly and aloe
mango oolong tea with mango jelly only
mango oolong tea with aloe only
mango green tea with mango jelly only
mango green tea with aloe only
mango oolong no topping
mango green no topping
tiger mango sago
strawberry mochi
Ice cream
brown sugar boba soft ice cream
Sold Out
brown sugar soft ice cream
Sold Out
soft ice cream
Sold Out
Cheese Foam
t1. golden oolong tea + tiger cheese foam
t3. vanilla flavored black tea + tiger cheese foam
Lemon Tea
boba lemon oolong tea
lemon oolong tea
boba lemon green tea
lemon green tea
Cafe series